History and founding values

Our history

Banca Finnat Euramerica can be dated all the way back to 1898, when it operated first as a Foreign Exchange Agent, then as a Financial and Stock Exchange Commissioner, then as a Stockbroking Firm and finally - since 12 February 1998 - as a Banking Group.

Founded by Pietro Nattino in the late 19th century, the Bank is run today by the fifth generation of the same family.

Since its origins, our best investment is the time taken to understand and meet the requirements of the families and people wishing to protect and grow their assets, thereby creating value for future generations.


Our values


Banca Finnat Group is the culmination of a long and successful entrepreneurial story that began in the 19th century. Our ambition is to “establish long-lasting relationships”: this sums up a company policy constructed in over 125 years in the business, which now has over 350 co-workers alongside the fifth generation of the family.


Banca Finnat operates outside of big banking. Our independence and autonomy give us absolute freedom in the products and services we offer, enabling us to grasp the best opportunities in the interest of our clients.


Banca Finnat is able to ensure the highest degree of capital strength. Our institute ranks among the top in the industry on the CET1 ratio, and consolidating this position is a priority for us in our day-to-day and customer-facing work.


Banca Finnat  has established itself in a highly competitive environment thanks to the specialisation and focus of its activities. These values are more than a simple collective ambition: they are the milestones that have allowed our institute to be appreciated as a landmark intermediary for the major Italian banks. We maintain this approach and have renewed it at every stage of the Group's expansion, which today brings together some of the best specialist professionals in the industry.


Banca Finnat is a partner with whom Clients can build a solid and long-lasting relationship. Our institute has qualities that enable it to provide services whose prerequisite is the sharing of information, data and policies covered by strict confidentiality. We have a recognised tradition of confidentiality and fairness that, together with the ability to understand and adequately support the needs of our clients, enable relationships based on partnership and mutual trust.


Banca Finnat operates in a highly regulated sector. We are aware of our role and for this reason we are attentive to management ethics and integrity to ensure maximum transparency. We also develop specific training programs and always operate according to merit and the protection of our clients' interests.



Over 125 years of experience to create value, generate sustainable growth and consolidate the most important asset of all: our clients' trust.